December Vacation - Day 2 - Lake City, FL to Ft Lauderdale, FL
Beau caught a cold two days ago. He's feeling better, however, we still had to stop to get some more cold meds ... which we of course, left at home.
This picture is for Glen. Glen ... the shoes are Purple !
On the way to the freeway, I saw a sign for a Fabric Art Shop. U-Turn.
Unfortunately, it was only 8:30 and the shop didn't open till 10am. I suggested we go to yard sales and Thrift Shops to kill the hour and a half. Beau suggested we come back on our way home. Being a decent sport (and knowing he doesn't like yard sales and thrift shops), I agreed, even though we'll be back by here on a Sunday .... and they are closed on Sundays.
Further down the freeway was a flea market sign. Beau can deal with flea markets as long as we don't stay too long. Between the exit and the flea market, we saw a sign for a Craft Sale at an Adult Community (which Beau calls the Old Folks Home). Following the signs we landed at a little community center where a variety of elderly ladies were selling their goods. The usual, jewelry, needleworks, candy and dips.
From there, the flea market, lunch at a mexican taco stand, $32 spent on toll roads, checked into the hotel, ate dinner at Miller Hollywood Ale. There are no pictures documenting the rest of the day ... none that turned out anyway. I'm going to have to get out the manual and do some more studying. (The two video's were supposed to be pictures ... but sometimes, you just get what you get !).
Thanks for dropping by,
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