I continue to play with these small lunch sized bags. At 9 x 9 inches, they are the perfect size for fiber art practice -- they don't take ages to complete and are just enough to try out different techniques without it becoming a major project.
Made it up to the studio this morning for some play. I picked up a generic piece of fabric - a pale peach, some paints, a stencil, some misc buttons. There were no specific design plans.
And this is what happened. What did I learn? Well, when writing with the fabric markers, work on a hard surface (I had the interfacing attached) so the ink doesn't bleed. And, for marks, a pencil stays much sharper than the quilting pencils,which do not sharpen nicely (at least mine don't). Put it all together as the little bag.
I like the way the straight lines connecting from the star tips break any resemblance of a pattern. The rest ... well ... okay.
I've put together a couple other over the last week.
This piece (front and back) is a result of stuff not yet put away. The fabric was left from the curtains I recently made for the front bedroom, the flower piece as a broken pin from a yardsale, as was the lace and the bead trim. It's fun, but a little side heavy.
These two resulted from two shapes - the bird and leaf - that is on the cover of a pattern sold last week from the pattern shop. Thought ... hummm ... wonder what would come of that and this is the answer.
They were both fun to put together. I'm loving my new Melody Baby Lock machine and each bag is receiving quite a bit of decorative stitches as I figure out all the different patterns.
That's it for today. Thanks for dropping by
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