I'm not typically a gadget person, or an impulse buyer, but .... This is a Jalepeno Rack with Corners. I love Jalapenos and not, until the moment my eyes landed on this rack, did I realize that my life was incomplete. I tucked in under my arm and discreetly carried it to checkout. I'm not sure Beau even realized I had it until I plopped in on the counter.
This purchase, of course, necessitated a trip to the produce stand for fresh Jalepenos (along with squash, lettuce and all the other veggies). The plan was to stuff them with a mixture of sausage, breadcrumbs and cheese and have as a side for dinner. BUT, right when it was time to prepare, I couldn't find the sausage. It was hidden so well that I began to doubt that we had even bought it. This required a bit of creativity in using what I had on hand - after all, the peppers were already cored and in the tray.
Official Recipe - Beat four eggs in a bowl, add salt and pepper and the amount of shredded cheddar cheese you might like. Whip together and pour into each Jalapeno, about 3/4 full, with a tablespoon. Put in barbecue put for approx. 10 minutes, until cooked.
And, here they are in all of their unappealing glory. Beau passed on trying them and Alex thought they were okay. I ate them - not all in one sitting, but all of them regardless. And, although I'd not suggest them as a dinner side, I think they might be quite great with breakfast or brunch. (Particularly if you are a jalapeno lover). Just imagine them along with a couple flaky biscuits dripping with butter. Breakfast Poppers!
I cleaned the tray carefully and put away. I'll be giving it another run (with a more conventional recipe) this weekend.
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