This story actually started three weeks ago. I'm calling it the Saga of the Eyeglasses. It goes like this .... two weeks ago I scooted out of bed, reaching for my eyeglasses on the night stand. Upon reaching the prone mark, I went to put on my glasses, when .... to my dismay .... they broke in half at the nose piece. Half were in my hand; the other half still on the night table. Woe was me.
Beau suggested I immediately proceed to EyeMasters to get new glasses. But no, being the occasional frugal person I am (Beau would say stubborn procrastinator), I wanted to find out if the nose piece could be fixed first (particularly since they were hardly more than a year old). I put on an older pair, from some past prescription, put the broken glasses in my purse and proceeded not to think about it again.
Two weeks go by, and I start having an unusual situation ... my eyes don't want to stay open; particularly in bright light. I'm thinking "Great ... I really am falling apart". After fretting about it for several days, and becoming almost unable to drive, I took Beau's suggestion and went to Eyemasters.
Here, I learned that I have eye strain issues, extreme enough that they are sending signals to the brain to close them. A new subscription is immediate called for. (And no, they cannot fix my old glasses; not that the prescription is the same).
I'm in luck (so to say), they are having a buy one, get one free sale. And it's not until $765 later that I learn it will take 7 - 14 days to get my new glasses. It seems the problem is all those add-ons that come with the aging process. You know, bi-focals, high definition, anti-glare, etc. etc. etc.
Perhaps I should have listed to Beau. I'd already be wearing my new glasses. Woe is me.
But, trying to be optomistic, I headed back home and switched to some remaining contacts I still had which were, of course, also from an old prescription. That, needless to say, didn't work well either. Wear the older glasses or the contacts and go around trying to keep the eyes open, or wear nothing and not be able to focus anything. Hard decision.
Then, this morning, inspiration struck and we headed to Walgreens to buy a pair of those reading glasses to wear for the next two weeks. I choose these.
But, as my luck goes, the highest strength is +325 and I need a +450. I'll be returning them tomorrow.
Now, I'm getting desperate. I head up the street to a Jeweler (who Eyemaster indicated should be able to solder the broken glasses together) - Vicky Anton's. Approaching the store, a woman, apparently Vicky Anton, sitting on a bench, talking loudly on the phone and smoking a most obnoxious cigarette, see's the glasses in my hands and wants to know if I want them fix. "Yes, I need them soldered; it doesn't have to be pretty, just hold. And, get a chain (of Beau's) fixed as well". She is quick and to the point. Her person does not fix glasses anymore. There is a shop somewhere in a strip mall off Florida Blvd that should be able to .... and since I'm going there, I might was well take the bracelet there as well. How's that for customer service. Next time I consider jewelry, it won't be in her store!
If anyone is still reading ... I'll be wrapping up soon.
I'm heading home, when inspiration hits. I know how to solder and have all the equipment, why don't I just do it myself.
Beau pulls out my solder equipment box and I get all set up.
Nope. It didn't work. Seems the nose band was not as much metal as I would have thought, and it is now partially melted. I suppose they are now relegated to the role of some future mixed media art project.
Beau suggests I should go to Eyemasters with the current glasses (that are giving me all the trouble), and have them switch the lenses to the current prescription, with no add ons, so I could get them in a day. What a decision to have to make ... spend another $150+ dollars on glasses I won't need, or sit around here for the next 7 - 14 days trying to keep my eyes open.
I haven't decided yet.
Saga of the Eyeglasses .... To Be Continued